Hamiltonstövare Dog

The Hamiltonstövare is a breed of dog, bred as a hunting hound. The breed was developed in Sweden by the founder of the Swedish Kennel Club, Count Adolf Hamilton. Its ancestry includes several German hounds as well as English Foxhounds and Harriers.
The breed is known by the white blaze on the head, down the neck, four white paws, and a white tail tip. He differs from an English Foxhound in that his frame is lighter.
General Appearance Rectangular, well proportioned, giving impression of great strength and stamina. Tricoloured.
Characteristics Handsome, upstanding dog of striking colouring. Hardy and sound.
Temperament Typical even-tempered hound.
Head and Skull Head longish, rectangular, with slightly arched and moderately broad skull. Occiput not too prominent. Stop well defined but not over pronounced. Jowls not too heavy. Muzzle fairly long, large and rectangular. Bridge of nose straight and parallel to line of skull. Nose always black, well developed with large nostrils. Upper lips full but not too overhanging.
Ears Set fairly high, when drawn alongside jaw, ears extend to approximately half-way along muzzle and should be raised only slightly above skull when responding to call. Soft with straight fall and fore edge not folded out.
Mouth Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.

Neck Long and powerful, merging well into shoulders, skin on neck supple and close fitting.
Forequarters Shoulders muscular and well laid back. When viewed from front forelegs appear straight and parallel. Upper foreleg long and broad and set at a right angle to shoulder blade. Elbows set close in to body.
Body Back straight and powerful. Strong, broad, muscular loin. Croup slightly inclined. Chest deep, ribs moderately sprung, back ribs proportionately long. Belly slightly tucked up.
Hindquarters Strong and parallel when viewed from behind. Well angulated, muscle well developed and broad when seen from side.
Tail Set on low, in an almost straight continuation of line of back. In length reaches hock. Fairly wide at base and narrowing off towards tip. Held in straight position or curving slightly in sabre-like shape. Not carried above the backline when moving.
Gait/Movement Free striding and long reaching. Hindlegs showing drive. Not moving close behind.
Coat Coat consists of two layers. Undercoat short, close and soft, especially thick during winter. Upper coat strongly weather-resistant lying close to body. On underside of tail, ordinary hair quite long but not forming a fringe. Ample hair between pads.
Colour Upper side of neck, back, sides of trunk and upper side of tail black. Head and legs, as well as side of neck, trunk and tail brown. White markings as follows: blaze on upper part of muzzle, underside of neck, breast and tip of tail, lower legs and feet.
Size Dogs 53-61 cms (21-24 ins). Ideal size 57 cms (22 ½ ins).
Bitches 49-57 cms (19 ¼ - 22 ½ ins). Ideal size 53 cms (21 ins).
Faults Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.



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