Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small, principally white-bodied, smooth-, broken-, or rough-coated terrier. They were first bred by an English clergyman in the 19th century, as working terriers to flush foxes out of their dens so that the foxes could be hunted. The name "Jack Russell" has been used over the years to describe a wide array of small white terriers, but now after a drawn out legal battle the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America (JRTCA) and its affiliates have won the exclusive rights to use the name Jack Russell Terrier in the USA to describe their particular variant of the dog.


Jack Russells are sturdy and tough, measuring between 10" and 15" at the shoulder. The body length must be in proportion to the height, and the dog should present a compact, balanced image. Predominantly white in coloration (more than 51%) with black and/or tan markings, they exhibit a smooth, broken or rough coat. The skin can sometimes show a pattern of small black or brown spots, referred to as "ticking", that do not carry through to the outer coat. All coat types should be dense double coats that are neither silky (in the case of smooth coats) nor woolly (in the case of rough coats). The head should be of moderate width at the ears, narrowing to the eyes, and slightly flat between the ears. There should be a defined stop at the end of the muzzle where it meets the head but not overpronounced, with a black nose. The jaw should be powerful and well boned with a scissor bite and straight teeth. The eyes are almond shaped and dark colored, and should be full of life and intelligence. Small V-shaped ears of moderate thickness are carried forward on the head. When the dog is alert the tip of the V should not extend past the outer corner of the eyes. The tail is set high and in the past was docked to approximately five inches in order to provide a sufficient hand-hold for gripping the terrier (aesthetic tail docking has been an illegal practice in the UK since 6th April 2007. It is a serious fault for the dog to have its tail down when in the show ring. The Jack Russell should always appear balanced and alert.


Their high energy and drive make these dogs ideally suited to a number of different dog sports such as flyball or agility. Obedience classes are also recommended to potential owners as Jack Russells can be stubborn at times and aggressive towards other animals and humans if not properly socialized (a process that should be continued throughout their whole lives). Jack Russell Terriers can be very hyperactive. Despite their small size, these dogs are not recommended for the condominium or apartment dweller unless the owner is ready to take on the daunting task of providing the dog with the necessary amount of exercise and stimulation. These are truly big dogs in a small packages, which can sometimes lead to trouble involving larger animals. The JRT owner must be aware of these tendencies and keep an eye out for trouble in many situations.


Jack Russell terriers are known for longevity and health due in a large part to a large gene pool. The JRTCA specifically regulates inbreeding and line breeding to a 16% coefficient unlike many of the kennel club show dog breeds. A well-cared-for Jack Russell can live well into its teens, remaining active right into its senior years. The typical lifespan is between 12 and 19 years.
Health concerns with the breed include hereditary cataracts, primary lens luxation, congenital deafness, medial patellar luxation, cerebellar ataxia, Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease, myasthenia gravis, atopy, general joint problems, and von Willebrand's disease. Responsible breeders have breeding stock BAER tested for hearing as juveniles and CERF (Canine Eye Registry Foundation) tested annually to check for any hereditary defects. Although not commonly a problem in this breed, some breeders choose to have their dogs OFA inspected for potential joint problems.


The small white fox-working terriers we know today were first bred by the Reverend John Russell, a parson and hunting enthusiast born in 1795. In his last year of university at Oxford, he bought a small white and tan terrier female called Trump from the milk man. Trump was purchased based upon appearance alone. (Burns, 2005) She was the basis for a breeding program to develop a terrier with high stamina for the hunt as well as the courage and formation to chase out foxes that had gone to ground. An important attribute in this dog was a tempered aggressiveness that would provide them with the necessary drive to pursue and bolt the fox without resulting in physical harm to the quarry, effectively ending the chase, which was considered unsporting. This line of terriers developed by John Russell was well respected for these qualities and his dogs were often taken on by hunt enthusiasts. It is unlikely, however, that any dogs alive today are descended from Trump, as Russell was forced to sell all of his dogs on more than one occasion because of financial difficulty, and had only four aged (and non-breeding) terriers left when he died in 1883.
The only painting that exists of Trump was painted more than 40 years after the dog died, and it was painted by someone who had never seen the original animal. Russell said the painting was "a good likeness", but he may have been more polite than honest in this. The painting was commissioned by Edward VII (then Prince of Wales) who befriended Russell in his old age, and had the painting done as an homage to the old man.

While it is often stated that Trump was "14 inches tall and weighed 14 pounds," there is no source for this statement, and it appears to have been penned by someone who had never met Russell and had only seen the painting of Trump (to which there is nothing to suggest scale).
While Trump's appearance is vague, and her size a complete mystery, the fox dens of Devon, England, where John Russell once hunted, are well known. Terrierman Eddie Chapman, who has hunted those same Devon earths for more than 30 years, notes that "I can state categorically that if given the choice, ninety-nine percent of hunt terrier men would buy an under 12" worker, if it was available, over a 14" one."

Well-known Jack Russell Terriers

On April 29, 2007, a Jack Russell named George saved five children in a carnival at New Zealand from an attack by two pit bulls. He was reported to have charged at them and held them at bay long enough for the children to get away. He was killed by the pit bulls, and in 2009 was posthumously awarded the PDSA Gold Medal, the animal equivalent of the George Cross.[6] A former US Marine also donated a Purple Heart award he received for service in Vietnam to George's owner.

On screen and in literature

In the UK, one of the more recognisable canine stars was restaurateur and chef Rick Stein's irrepressible terrier Chalky, who frequently upstaged his owner on his various cookery series. He was unique in having his own line of merchandise, including plushes, tea towels, art prints, art paw prints and even his own real ale - Chalky's Bite. He earned a BBC obituary when he died in 2007.
Two Jack Russells, father Moose and son Enzo, played the role of Eddie, on the long-running TV sitcom Frasier. Eddie belonged to lead character Frasier's father Martin, and constantly "stole the show" with his deadpan antics. Eddie received more fan mail than any other Frasier character.
Willie Morris's autobiography My Dog Skip, which later became a film directed by Jay Russell, featured a Jack Russell who was bought as a companion for a shy boy who found it difficult to make friends. In the film, Skip was played by 5 different dogs as the boy aged, including father and son pair Moose and Enzo who played Eddie from Frasier.
The television show Wishbone also featured a Jack Russell as Wishbone, the story-telling dog who would take viewers through a famous story, such as Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
In an inspired bit of typecasting, a Jack Russell named Max was used to play the part of Milo the Dog in the movie "The Mask" (1994) with Jim Carrey. Milo was the Carrey character's companion and he hilariously became a "manic super-hero", just like his master, when he wore the mask.



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