Jamthund Dog

The Jämthund, also called the Swedish Elkhound, is a breed of dog of the Spitz type that are found in Northern Europe. The Jämthund is eponymous to Jämtland, a province in the middle of Sweden. The dog is described as having a wolf-like appearance.


The dog has a tightly curled or a scimitar-like curve in the tail. It has erect ears; medium to long muzzle; strong, long endurance; and has a double coat of usually two colours. The eyes are brown.


The Jämthund received official recognition as a breed in 1946, due to intensive work by Aksel Lindström and others. Before that, the Jämthund and the Norwegian Elkhound were seen as the same breed.
Despite this short history of official breed recognition, it is often claimed that Jämthunds have been raised by the locals in Jämtland since the end of the last ice age. They are used for moose hunting and sled pulling. In the local dialect, it used to be referred to as bear dog.



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