Schnauzers Dog

The Standard Schnauzer is the original breed of the three breeds of Schnauzer, and despite its wiry coat and general appearance, is not related to the British terriers. Rather, its origins are in old herding and guard breeds of Europe. The AKC classifies the Standard Schnauzer as Working Dog; however, this versatile breed is a robust, squarely built, medium-sized dog with aristocratic bearing. It was a popular subject of painters Sir Joshua Reynolds, Albrecht Dürer and Rembrandt.
Standard Schnauzers are typically Pepper & Salt or Black in color, and are known for exhibiting many of the "ideal" traits of any breed. These include high intelligence, agility, alertness, reliability, strong with high endurance, and loving companion. Standard Schnauzers are one of the oldest breeds with over 500 years of history. This breed of dog has been very popular in Europe, specifically Germany where it originated. The breed was first exhibited at a show in Hanover in 1879. They are majestic and regal in the show ring, and have taken top honors in many shows including the prestigious "Best in Show at Westminster Kennel Club" in 1997


Schnauzers are originally a German breed, descended during the Middle Ages from herding, ratting and guardian breeds. They may be most closely related to German Pinschers, and the spitz-type breeds. Dogs very similar to today's schnauzers existed in the Middle Ages. They were portrayed in paintings, statues and tapestries, including by artists Rembrandt, Dürer and Reynolds. Initially a dog of the peasant farmer, in the 19th century this breed captured the interest of the German dog fancier and they began to be bred to a standard.
The Schnauzer breed takes its name from one of its kind, a show dog winner by that name, "Schnauzer", at the 1879 Hanover Show in Germany. The word Schnauzer (from the German word for 'snout') appeared for the first time in 1842 when used as a synonym for the Wire-haired Pinscher (the name under which the breed first competed at dog shows). The Standard Schnauzer is the original Schnauzer from which the Miniature and Giant breeds were developed in the late 19th century. They have been shown from the 1870s onwards and first appeared in the United States about 1900. The name "schnauz bart" means "conspicuous moustache or beard". The Standard Schnauzer has been used throughout modern history in various roles. The Red Cross used the dogs for guard duty during World War I. Both German and American police departments put the dogs to work as well. Several Standards have been used in the USA for drug and bomb detection, and also as search-and-rescue dogs.


Standard Schnauzers are typically pepper and salt or black in color, with a stiff and wiry fur coat. This hair will grow in length much like human hair, and must be cut and groomed regularly. Ears and tail are typically docked as a puppy. This is usually done by the breeder, but not all breeders will do this. Like the Miniature Schnauzer and Giant Schnauzer, these breeds are most noted by their long beard giving them a regal and wise appearance. It is important to note, the Miniature Schnauzer and Giant Schnauzer were bred from the Standard Schnauzer, making the Standard Schnauzer the original and oldest of this breed of dog. This distinction is important as when talking about "Schnauzers" most will think of the Miniature Schnauzer and not realize it was bred down from the Standard Schnauzer.
Standard Schnauzer "males ideally are 18-20 inches high at the shoulders and weigh 35-50 pounds. The females ideally are 17-19 inches high at the shoulders and generally weigh 30-45 pounds."


The Standard Schnauzer Club of America states that "THE STANDARD SCHNAUZER is a squarely built, very energetic, medium-sized dog with a stiff, wiry coat. It is a robust and sturdy working dog, yet small enough in stature not to be overwhelming." This very intelligent breed is not only a very loyal family dog who will protect your home from visitors with a deep and robust bark. This breed also is known for being very easy to train, and will execute any taught commands with great skill, easily remembering 10+ "tricks". They adapt well to any weather, including snow, and is great with kids and adults alike due to their patience, tolerance and loyalness. It is ideal to socialize from the start. Their intelligent and curious personality may requires a fairly strong-willed owner who can be consistent and firm with training and commands. They are ranked 18th in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, being of excellent working/obedience intelligence.
According to the SSDA, “The Standard Schnauzer is considered a high-energy dog. They need ample exercise not only for physical well-being, but also for emotional well-being. The minimum amount an adult dog should get is the equivalent of a one walk a day. This walk should be brisk enough to keep the dog at a steady trotting pace in order to keep the dog in prime physical condition. The Standard Schnauzer puppy is constantly exploring, learning and testing his limits. As adults, they are always ready for a walk in the woods, a ride in the car, a training session or any other activity that allows them to be with their owner. This is a breed that knows how to be on the alert, even when relaxing by the feet of their owner. Standard Schnauzers are extremely versatile, excelling at dog sports such as agility, obedience, tracking, Disc dog, Flyball and even herding.


Overall, the Standard Schnauzer is a very healthy breed. The preliminary report of the 2008 health survey done by the Standard Schnauzer Club of America revealed that roughly only 1% of the 1,450 dogs (or, about 15 individual dogs) surveyed had serious health issues. The survey included approximately 15% of the Standard Schnauzers alive in the US between 2002-2007. The final report is expected to be published around Sept. 2009, but the preliminary analysis is as follows:
• Over half of all Standards Schnauzers live to over 12.9 years;
• Only few serious diseases were noted;
• Potentially serious conditions affect only a few (less than 1%) dogs;
• Some diseases/conditions will need a watchful eye
CONCLUSION: The health status of the breed at this time is generally good!
Standard Schnauzers are prone to only two major hereditary problems: hip dysplasia and eye disease. Both problems can be tested for and identified before breeding an affected animal, so the Standard Schnauzer Club of America requires that every kennel test their breeding stock for hip and eye problems before breeding.
The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals found at keeps a record of purebred animals that have passed an x-ray screening for hips problems. Tests are only good for one year, and breeding stock must be x-rayed again each year. An alternative test for hips is Penn-hip, which is not associated with the OFA.

The Canine Eye Registration Foundation is a similar registry for purebred breeding stock who have been certified free of any hereditary eye disease: results for this test can also be found at the OFA website.
The SSCA also encourages all potential buyers to ask their breeder for OFA and CERF certifications of the parent dogs before buying a puppy.

Famous Schnauzers

• From the AKC: "Rembrandt painted several Schnauzers, Lucas Cranach the Elder shows one in a tapestry dated 1501, and in the 18th century one appears in a canvas of the English painter Sir Joshua Reynolds. In the marketplace of Mechlinburg, Germany, is a statue of a hunter dating from the 14th century, with a Schnauzer crouching at his feet which conforms very closely to the present-day show Standard."
• Blu, a Franklin pet blue dog in Monica's Gang
• George, the cancer-sniffing Schnauzer, has received much acclaim. "
• Colin, dog in the UK comedy series Spaced, became a regular feature in the middle of the first series



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