Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu (also called the Shiba Ken) is the smallest of the six original and distinct breeds of dog from Japan.
A small, agile dog that copes very well with mountainous terrain, the Shiba Inu was originally bred for hunting. It is similar in appearance to the Akita, though much smaller in stature.
Inu is the Japanese word for dog, but the origin of the prefix "Shiba" is less clear. The word shiba usually refers to a type of red shrub. This leads some to believe that the Shiba was named with this in mind, either because the dogs were used to hunt in wild shrubs, or because the most common color of the Shiba Inu is a red color similar to that of the shrubs. However, in old Japanese, the word shiba also had the meaning of "small", thus this might be a reference to the dog's small size. Therefore, the Shiba Inu is sometimes translated as "Little Brushwood Dog".


Shiba Inu have double coats, with a straight outer coat and a soft, dense undercoat that is blown generally two times a year, producing a relatively large amount of fur given the size of the dog. Shedding normally occurs at the beginning or end of each season. However, between seasonal sheddings Shibas generally shed in smaller quantities and require regular brushing.
Shiba may be red, black and tan, or sesame (red with black-tipped hairs), with a cream, buff, or grey undercoat. They may also be creamy white or pinto, though this color is not allowed in the show ring as the markings known as "urajiro" (???). "Urajiro" literally translates to "underside white" are unable to be seen. The urajiro markings are defined as a pattern of white in contrast to the dog's primary coat color that exists on the underside of the Shiba.

Males are generally 14 1/2–17 1/2 inches (35–43 cm) high at the withers and average around 23 pounds (10 kg). Females are slightly smaller at 13 1/2–15 1/2 inches (33–41 cm) and averaging 17 pounds (8 kg).


Shibas are generally independent and intelligent dogs. Some owners struggle with obedience training, but as with many dogs, socialization at a young age can greatly affect temperament. Traits such as independence and intelligence are often associated with ancient dog breeds, such as the Shiba Inu. Most shibas must always be on a leash, but with the proper upbringing and training, some Shibas are able to be off leash. However because of their tendency to have a strong prey and hunting drive they can be very prey oriented and if it runs away they are very likely to give chase, often ignoring their
owner's voice.

From the Japanese breed standard:

The dog has a spirited boldness and is fiercely proud with a good nature and a feeling of artlessness. The Shiba is able to move quickly with nimble, elastic steps.
The terms "spirited boldness", "good nature", and "artlessness" have subtle interpretations that have been the subject of much commentary.

The Shiba is a fastidious breed and feels the need to maintain itself in a clean state. They can often be seen licking their paws and legs much like a cat. They generally go out of their way to keep their coats clean, and while walking will avoid stepping in puddles, mud and dirt. Because of their fastidious nature, the Shiba puppy is easy to housebreak and in many cases will housebreak themselves. Having their owner simply place them outside after meal times and naps is generally enough to teach the Shiba the appropriate method of toileting. A distinguishing characteristic of the breed is the so-called "shiba scream". When sufficiently provoked or unhappy, the dog will produce a loud, high pitched scream. This can occur when attempting to handle the dog in a way that it deems unacceptable. The animal may also emit a very similar sound during periods of great joy, such as the return of the owner after an extended absence, or the arrival of a favored human guest.


Recent DNA analysis confirms that this is one of the oldest dog breeds, dating back to the 3rd century BC.
Originally, the Shiba Inu was bred to hunt and flush small game, such as birds and rabbits. However, it is now primarily kept as a pet both in Japan and abroad.
In 1936, the Shiba Inu was declared a natural monument of Japan through the Cultural Properties Act. Despite efforts to preserve the breed, the Shiba nearly became extinct during World War II due to a combination of bombing raids and a post-war distemper epidemic. All subsequent dogs were bred from the only three surviving bloodlines, known as the San'in, Mino, and Shinshu.
In 1954, an armed service family brought the first Shiba Inu to the United States. In 1979, the first recorded litter was born in the United States. The Shiba was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1992 and added to the AKC Non-Sporting Group in 1993.


Health conditions known to affect this breed are glaucoma, cataracts, hip dysplasia, and luxating patella. Shibas are also prone to food allergies. Epilepsy is also becoming common in several bloodlines in Australia and the USA. Overall; however, they are of great genetic soundness and few Shibas are diagnosed with genetic defects in comparison to other dog breeds.

Life Span

Their average life expectancy is 12 to 16 years.


These are fantastically clean dogs, so grooming needs will likely be at a minimum for most individuals. A Shiba Inu coat is short, coarse and naturally waterproof, so there is little need for regular bathing. However, there is one drawback - shedding, also known as blowing coat. They have a thick undercoat that can protect them from temperatures well below freezing. Shedding is heaviest during the seasonal change, but brushing should be performed on a daily basis whenever possible.



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