Maltese Dog

The Maltese is a small breed of dog in the toy group, known for its silky white hair, though many owners of pet Maltese give them a short "puppy cut" for ease of grooming. The Maltese breed is descended from dogs originating in the Central Mediterranean Area.
Though the name appears to refer to the island of Malta, the origins of both the breed and its name are unclear. Various writings have also described the name as deriving from the Adriatic island of Mljet, and the Sicilian town of Melita. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale, states the name of the dog does not signify that he originates from the island of Malta because the adjective »Maltese« comes from the Semitic word, màlat, a common root of the name of all three places.


This ancient breed has been known by a variety of names throughout the centuries. Originally called the "Melitaie Dog" it has also been known as "Ye Ancient Dogge of Malta", the "Roman Ladies' Dog," the "Majestic Creature", the "Comforter Dog," the "Spaniel Gentle," the "Bichon," the "Shock Dog," the "Maltese Lion Dog", and the "Maltese Terrier" amongst other names. The Kennel Club settled on the name "Maltese" for the breed in the 19th century.
The Maltese is thought to have been descended from a Spitz type dog found among the Swiss Lake dwellers and bred down to obtain its small size. Although there is also some evidence that the breed originated in Asia and is related to the Tibetan Terrier, the exact origin is unknown. The dogs probably made their way to Europe through the Middle East with the migration of nomadic tribes. Some writers believe these proto-Maltese were used for rodent control before the appearance of the breed gained paramount importance.
The oldest record of this breed was found on one Greek amphorae found in Etruscan town of Volci, in which a Maltese-like dog is portrayed along with the word ?e??ta?e (Melitaie). Archaeological explorations determined that it is a work by the artists from the Athenian school from 500 B. C. References to the dog can also be found in Ancient Greek and Roman literature.
Aristotle was the first to mention its name Melitaei Catelli, when he compares the dog to a Mustelidae, around 370 BC. The first written document on the existence of this breed of dog was given by the Greek writer Callimachus, around 350 BC. He described the small Canis Melitaeus as having taken its name from the island of Melita (Mljet) on the Adriatic coast, near Dalmatia. Many scholars support Callimachus' writings as establishing the origins of the breed or its name, among them Pliny the Elder and Stephanus of Byzantium.
Strabo, in the early first century AD wrote that dogs called Canis Melitei were frequently exported from a town in Sicily called Melita, and writes that they were favorites of women. Some authors claim that Strabo was referring to Malta, though others treat that Melita as a different location.
John Caius, physician to Queen Elizabeth I, claimed that Callimachus was referring to the island of Melita "in the Sicilian strait" (Malta). This claim is rejected by some later writers although it is also often repeated, especially by English writers. The confusion between these two Melitas (both Malta and Mljet were called Melita in Latin) has been a source of dispute over the origins of the dog for a long time.
During the first century, the Roman poet Martial wrote descriptive verses to a small white dog named Issa owned by his friend Publius. It is commonly thought that Issa was a Maltese dog, and some sources say that this Publius was a Roman Governor, though others say he cannot be identified.
Around the 17th and 18th centuries some breeders decided to "improve" the breed, by making it smaller still. Linnaeus wrote in 1792 that these dogs were about the size of a squirrel. The breed nearly disappeared and was crossbred with other small dogs such as Poodles and miniature Spaniels. In the early 19th century there were as many as nine different breeds of Maltese dog.
Parti-colour and solid colour dogs were accepted in the show ring from 1902 until 1913 in England, and as late as 1950 in Victoria, Australia. However, white Malteses were required to be pure white. Coloured Malteses could be obtained from the south of France.


The Maltese had been recognized as a FCI breed under the patronage of Italy in 1954 at the Annual meeting in Interlaken, Switzerland. The current FCI standard is dated November 27, 1989, and the latest translation from Italian to English is dated April 6, 1998. The American Kennel Club recognized the breed in 1888, its latest standard being from March 10, 1964.


Characteristics include slightly rounded skulls, with a one-finger-wide dome and a black nose that is two finger widths long. The body is compact with the length equaling the height. The drop ears with long hair and very dark eyes, surrounded by darker skin pigmentation (called a "halo"), gives Maltese their expressive look. Their noses can fade and become pink or light brown in color without exposure to sunlight. This is often referred to as a "winter nose" and many times will become black again with increased exposure to the sun.
Coat and color
The coat is long and silky and lacks an undercoat. The color is pure white and although cream or light lemon ears are permissible, they are not desirable. Also a pale ivory tinge is permitted. Traces of pale orange shades are tolerated but not desirable and considered an imperfection.


Adult Maltese range from roughly 3 to 7 lb (1.4 to 3.2 kg), though breed standards, as a whole, call for weights between 4 and 7 lb (1.8 and 3.2 kg). There are variations depending on which standard is being used. Many, like the American Kennel Club, call for a weight that is ideally less than 7 lb with between 4 and 6 lb preferred.


Maltese are bred to be cuddly companion dogs. They thrive on love and attention. They are extremely lively and playful, and even as a Maltese ages, his or her energy level and playful demeanor remains fairly constant and does not diminish much. Some Maltese can occasionally be snappy with smaller children and should be supervised when playing, although socializing them at a young age will reduce this habit. The Maltese is very active within a house, and, preferring enclosed spaces, does very well with small yards. For this reason the breed also does well with apartments and townhouses, and is a prized pet of urban dwellers. Maltese have a bad reputation as yappers.
An Australia-wide research project (but not in Tasmania) in conjunction with RSPCA found owners likely to dump their Maltese terriers, citing their tendency to bark constantly. This breed is Australia's most dumped dog.


Maltese have no undercoat, and have little to no shedding if cared for properly. Like their relatives Poodles and Bichon Frisé, they are considered to be largely hypoallergenic and many people who are allergic to dogs might not be allergic to the Maltese (See list of Hypoallergenic dog breeds). They make very good friends with different breeds especially the lhasa apso. Daily cleaning is required to prevent the risk of tear-staining.
Regular grooming is also required to prevent the coats of non-shedding dogs from matting. Many owners will keep their Maltese clipped in a "puppy cut," a 1 - 2" all over trim that makes the dog resemble a puppy. Some owners, especially those who show Maltese in the sport of conformation, prefer to wrap the long fur to keep it from matting and breaking off, and then to show the dog with the hair unwrapped combed out to its full length.
Dark staining in the hair around the eyes "tear staining" can be a problem in this breed, and is mostly a function of how much the individual dog's eyes water and the size of the tear ducts. Tear stain can be readily removed if a fine-toothed metal comb, moistened with lukewarm water, is carefully drawn through the snout hair just below the eyes. This maintenance activity must be performed every two or three days, as a layer of sticky goo is quick to redevelop. If the face is kept dry and cleaned daily, the staining can be minimized. Many veterinarians recommend avoiding foods treated with food coloring and serving distilled water to reduce tear staining. Giving the dog bottled water may also help.

Crossbred Maltese dogs

A crossbreed is a dog with two pure bred parents of different breeds. Dogs traditionally were crossed in this manner in hopes of creating a puppy with desirable qualities from each parent. Crossbreeds are typically larger than the pure breeds For pet dogs, crosses may be done to enhance the marketability of puppies, and are often given cute portmanteau names. Maltese are often deliberately crossed with Shih Tzus and Poodles to produce small, fluffy lap dogs. Maltese-Poodle crosses are called Maltipoos. Maltese crossed with Pugs are also seeing an increase in popularity. Maltese with Shih Tzus are called Mal-Shihs, Shihtese, or Mitzus. This results in a dog which is a small, friendly animal with a unique low (or no) shedding coat.
Maltese crosses, like other crossbred dogs, are not eligible for registration by kennel clubs as they are not a breed of dog. Each kennel club has specific requirements for the registration of new breeds of dog, usually requiring careful record keeping for many generations, and the development of a breed club. At times, a crossbred dog will result in a new breed, as in the case in the 1950s when a Maltese and Lhasa Apso were accidentally bred. Descendants of that breeding are now a "purebred" breed of dog, the Kyi-Leo.



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